April 13, 2015

Meet Jeffrey Von Glahn

Join us at The Electric Scroll's Author Chat on May 2, when our guest will be Jeffrey Von Glahn, Ph.D. author of Jessica: The Autobiography of an Infant  and Jessica, his client.

In her therapy as an adult, Jessica remembered in vivid detail many experiences from the earliest weeks of her infancy. She had always feared that the unthinkable had happened when she had been "made up." She had no sense of herself as a needing, wanting person. Every day she expected to be dragged into court and found guilty of impersonating a real human being. In her therapy, she discovered that the difficulties she experienced in being born and the inattentive, hurried behavior of her mother in the ensuing weeks made her feel that the needing, wanting part of her was "dangerous" and that she "had to stay away from it."

Both Jeffrey and Jessica are eager to share their experience: He as author (and therapist) and she as an articulate spokesperson for the emotional care of infants.

Jeffrey invites questions ahead of time: jeffreyvonglahn@gmail.com.

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