November 26, 2013

Chatting with Peggy Urry

Today Peggy Urry takes her turn in our author hot-seat.

ES: What do you like to read?

PU: I like to read anything with a good (and clean) romance, but my favorites are crime novels, historical/regency, and paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi.

ES: What genre do you write, and why?

PU: Fantasy/Sci-fi, because I get to make my own rules. I like things that are accurate and writing regency or historicals would mean a lot of research and areas I could go wrong.

ES: Introduce me to your favorite literary character (yours or anyone’s).

PU: Please let me introduce Jane Eyre. She endured much but remained compassionate and dedicated to doing the right thing.

ES: Tell me about your current work in progress.

PU: I actually am working on two projects right now. The first is a short story with a zombie theme (but really more romance than zombie). The second is a sci-fi novel about a man who comes to Earth with his family when he is a boy. His parents are bounty hunters who are easily distracted by the wonders they find on Earth and soon lose interest in returning.

ES: Tell me about your most recent published work, and why people should buy it.

PU: Last October I self-published The Archer’s Hollow. It’s a fantasy romance with villains to fear and a timid-turned courageous heroine to cheer for. 

ES: Reading: Paper or Electronic? Why?

PU: This is a difficult one. I don’t mind reading on my iPad, and it’s really nice to have when I’m putting kids to bed. But, I love paper books, love to read them, have them sitting on my shelf, giving them as gifts, etc.

ES: Visit with Peggy on her blog. The Archer's Hollow can be purchased at Smashwords.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to interview me. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to do the interview! You have a great Thanksgiving too!

  2. Excellent interview... You did good....

  3. So exciting, Peggy! Can't wait to hold this book in my hands!
